Sunday, 25 October 2015

Sunday Planning

Sunday Planning....
As usual it's time to plan the week.  Get organized and figure out what you need to do and how you plan to accomplish all those things that need to be done.
Sometimes getting organized can be so difficult but I have found that the easiest way to get organized it to write a to do list.  Then when you have accomplished a task, cross it off the list and move to the next item on the list.  Think of this list as a shopping list kind of idea.  When you go to the grocery store many people take a list so that they remember to get all of the important items.  If you don't shop with a list it can get frustrating if you are cooking only to realize that you are missing or have run out of an ingredient and need to go back to the store to pick something up.

So for this week if you don't write out lists, perhaps you should try it.  Write down all the things you need to do or want to accomplish this week and get started on them in the morning.  If you write you plan out you have a great need to get things done because you SEE what you need to do and you tend to procrastinate less.  You can write out plans for so many aspects of your life, not just your day to day life or your health but also finances, education, end of life planning, retirement planning, marriage, kids, schools and so on.  It's up to you what you plan because everyone has different goals and dreams.

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