Friday Reflections.....When I look back over the past six months it is hard to believe that I have come so far and yet I still struggle to get through each day at times. As nurses we face so much at work but our personal lives can send us for a loop. I know that everyone has issues and that we each deal with those issues in different ways. I admit that I am an emotional eater. I struggle with that every day. I have lost all three of my pets over the past six months and I drown my sorrow in food. I know it's bad, I fall off the proverbial waggon but I know that I will start fresh again on Monday with a plan in place. It's ok to stumble and fall. What counts is that you get back up again and keep going. It can be hard to stay motivated and happy. I struggle with that every day too. Some days I just want to sit on the couch and do nothing but read a book or watch TV. But I know that I have to move and do what is right for my health even though I do it grudgingly some days.
It's ok to take a break, just remember that you have to keep going at some point. If you need a break, give yourself a specific timeline and keep to it. Plan for it, so you can have the down time you need. We all need that time.
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