Wednesday, 23 September 2015

Wednesday Encouragement

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Encouragement!  That word can be so powerful and life changing.  By encouraging someone to do something, you are building confidence and self worth in that person as well as yourself.  As nurses we don't realize how much we impact our patients and their family members.  Throughout my career I have receive letters from families and patients thanking me for the care they received.  It reminds me that people are human with powerful emotions.  In a crisis emotions are high and fear can cloud a patient or family members actions and words.  As nurses we take the brunt of that fear and we try to change that fear into understanding with calm and gentle words.  It doesn't always work but we try anyway.  Many families thank us later for our help and the way we break down complicated situations into manageable pieces of informative information.  Nurses are strong, we teach, we help people grow, we help people understand.  That is something that we should celebrate.
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I know that we all have trials.  I started a new workout this week and I realized that my balance and coordination is not as good as I thought it was.  So I will continue on and work through the workouts so that after my two or four months I will have better flexibility, better balance and coordination.  It's amazing what our bodies and minds are capable of doing.  You only have to try.  If you believe that you can do something then you will be able to do.  You just have to figure out the path to get you there.  There are many roads and paths in life.  Only you know what path to take, sometime our choices seem to be easy while at other times the choices are hard and we feel like we are drowning.  Just remember that no matter what life throws at you, you are on a journey to learn who you are.  That journey lasts our whole life and the challenges along the way     help us become the strong individuals that we are.

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