Sunday, 6 September 2015

Sunday Planning

Another week is complete.  It's time to start planning the new week.  For many of you this week is going to be challenging and rewarding because the kids are back in school.  Planning this week out is very important because your time is going to be stretched even more.  If you think about it, you have to plan four days of lunches plus snacks, four days worth of clothing, shopping for groceries, doing laundry, getting things ready for school for the kids, getting things ready for work, as well as planning healthy dinners, getting your exercise in and planning day care, baby sitters the list goes on and on.  That is why it is so important to plan ahead.  Sit down and write a list of all the things you need to get organized this week, then break that list into more manageable pieces.  Think about what can be done as a multi task, like doing laundry and making the kids lunches.  Writing out a grocery list while putting the dishes away and cleaning the counters.(that way you can see what is in the cupboards and refrigerator)

Having a solid plan of action for the week helps to reduce your stress and anxiety.  Also if something comes up unexpectedly like it usually does, you can easily make changes and rearrange your plans.

The boy scouts had it right when they said 'BE PREPARED' 
So how are you going to make a plan?
When are you going to make a plan?
Where do you need to go?
What do you need to get?
How will you execute your plan?

You can accomplish anything you set your mind to you just have to set your goals, make a plan and stick to it.  There is always room to change your plan and learn new ways of accomplishing your goals.  You have to be open to new ideas.
I hope you accomplish all your goals even if those goals take time to accomplish.  Things are not done in a day.  It takes time to reach some goals.  Small steps forward will lead to your ultimate goal.

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