Tuesday, 22 September 2015

Tuesday Recipes

Image result for apple pie wrap

Hello everyone

It's time for a few new recipes.

One of my favorite breakfasts is Apple Pie.....(serves 1)
1 whole wheat wrap.
1 apple of your choice
1tsp. cinnamon
optional 1 stevia packet

peal apple and cut into small pieces, place pieces into a microwave friendly bowl and add cinnamon and stevia packet.  mix well.  place bowl in microwave for two minutes.  pour apples into center of whole wheat wrap and roll it up.  Enjoy. 

a delicious lunch is the garden veggie wrap (serves 1)
Image result for veggie wrap
1tbsp low fat cream cheese
1 6" tortilla
3 slices English cucumber
1 lettuce leaf
2 slices tomato
1tbsp fat free ranch dressing

spread cream cheese down middle of the tortilla, place lettuce cucumber and tomato on tortilla. drizzle with ranch dressing and roll.
Image result for mango slushie
A healthy weekend drink (once in a while)

Tropical Slushie (serves 4)

1pkg mange crystal light
10 oz water
10 ice cubes
4 oz vodka
1/2 mango quartered

dissolve mango crystal light in water then mix with ice and add vodka in a blender on high speed until smooth.  serve with a slice of mango.

I hope you enjoy these recipes.

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