Sunday, 20 September 2015

Sunday Planning

Sunday planning is back, what are your plans and goals for this week?  The image above is an idea that I found searching the web, that can help us organize our weeks and help plan out goals and track our success.
By using a day planner you can track your shifts at work, your exercise, eating plan and lifestyle goals, track special events, family and social engagements as well as plan for the future.  If you write down what you need to do on a given day and check off each item as it is completed, then you have achieved your daily goal(s).  So go out and get yourself a large day planner.  Write in your workouts ahead of time that way you know what you will be doing, especially if you are working 12hr shifts, it can be hard to get that workout in.  If you don't want to do a workout after a 12hr shift, think about what you can do at work on your break to get some exercise in.  Write that in on your day planner and check it off when you have completed the task.   Nurses are extremely good at getting tasks done, but we are even better at planning and critical thinking when a monkey wrench is thrown into the mix. 

When an unexpected situation comes up, you can look at your day planner and see what you have planned for that day plus the future days in the week, you will be able to shuffle things around so that you can accomplish all your goals.

You will also be able to use your day planner as a type of journal too, looking back a year or more from now and seeing all you accomplished in that year can be pretty amazing.

So one of your goals for this week is to go out to the book store and find yourself a DAY PLANNER that suits your personality and needs, and start using it.  Think about October, it's just around the corner.  What exercise plan are you going to do?  What about your eating habits, are you going to change them or keep them the same?  What about social events and your shifts at work?  Everything can be planned ahead so that when the unexpected arises you can make changes with hopefully relative ease.  Good luck finding the perfect planner for YOU!

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