Thursday, 3 September 2015

Thursday Encouragement

Thursday has rolled around again and it's time for a little encouragement.

I find eating healthy is the hardest part to getting healthy.  I've said that before and I'll probably say it again.  But I can honestly say that I have been eating clean for almost 5 days now and it feels great.  It's hard work but I SET A GOAL, I'M KEEPING TO THAT GOAL, I'M REACHING FOR THE FINISH LINE.  What is the finish line?  Only you can decide what that is, and once you get there you need to maintain it.  My major health goal is to be active, eat healthy and get fit.  Is this goal attainable? ABSOLUTELY!  It takes hard work to get where you want to go whether it is your health, home life, partnership/marriage, career or any other aspects of your life.  If you put in the effort you will achieve your goals.
I remember my grade 9 math teacher, we did not get along very well.  I remember at my parent/teacher night what he asked and told my mother.  He asked her if she was good in math.  My mother said no. His comment to that was, 'well that explains a lot, your daughter shouldn't bother with advanced math, she's not smart enough and she will probably amount to nothing.'  A professional teacher said this to my mother in front of me.  I was so hurt, and demoralized by his comments and I was a young impressionable teen.  Do you want to know what my mother said?  She told him that HER daughter was very smart and that he was the problem if he didn't know how to teach in different ways.  I ended up going to summer school to do advanced grade 10 and did very well, I also proved to myself that I could do math like any other kid in school and took all of my advanced maths including Algebra, Trigonometry, Finite and Calculus.  Most students in my school failed Calculus the first time through it but I didn't.  That one person could have destroyed a bright future due to his misplaced comments.  I am proud that I am a Nurse with a Bachelor of Science in Nursing.  An incredible woman (my mother, who went back to school in her mid forties and got her Masters in Divinity) is my role model.  Because of my mother's encouragement and support I was able to over come and prove to myself that I could do math like any other person in school.
So if I can overcome a challenge at that young an age, why can't I change my health?  I CAN, I WILL,  and if I can do it, SO CAN YOU!


  1. Thank you Andrea, that is a very inspirational story and I am glad that you didn't allow the ignorant comment of a misinformed educator to ruin your confidence. I think that it is so important to know that there is one person who believes in us and will be our life time cheerleader! It sound like you and I are blessed with similar mothers and this will always contribute to the way that we approach any challenge that we are faced with! By the way I am also one of your biggest cheerleader on our journey....let's support each other!

  2. Thank you Andrea, that is a very inspirational story and I am glad that you didn't allow the ignorant comment of a misinformed educator to ruin your confidence. I think that it is so important to know that there is one person who believes in us and will be our life time cheerleader! It sound like you and I are blessed with similar mothers and this will always contribute to the way that we approach any challenge that we are faced with! By the way I am also one of your biggest cheerleader on our journey....let's support each other!

  3. I will be your cheerleader through this journey my friend. Support and friendship helps you through difficult times and we can get through anything if we work together.
