Friday, 18 September 2015

Friday Reflections

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Friday Reflections

How did your week go?  Think back to all the things that you accomplished, did you write them in your inspiration journal?  I hope you did, that way you can look back a month or year from now and think wow, I did all that.  Small steps forward show the bigger picture in the end.

Looking back over the past few weeks I've learned that sometimes I need to slow down.  I have a habit of going until I drop.  I know this about myself but I just can't seem to shake that habit.  Even my husband shook his head at me when I went into work with a migraine.    It's ok to stop and say no.  So many of us have a very difficult time saying that simple two letter word.  I've started saying no more often the last few years, but I still catch myself saying yes when I really should have said no.  That's how I usually end up getting a migraine or getting sick.  If you reflect back on the times you have gotten sick, what was your daily life like before you got sick?  Were you running around constantly working, taking care of the kids, taking care of loved ones, taking care of the house and so on?  Many nurses take on huge responsibilities and don't take the time to stop and relax.  We have to get sick in order to take a break.  Most nurses, when they get sick, they get really sick and are out for one to two weeks.  Considering that we nurses have a high immunity to many bugs out there because of what we do, it's horrible when we are down and out with an illness, plus we make horrible patients.(we know too much).  It's ok to stop and breath, take a time out or just take a personal day to get yourself were you need to be.  You are aloud to say no, you just have to say it.

I would like for you to think about the last time you had a really good vacation, how did you feel when you went back to work?  Write that feeling down in your inspiration journal, was your feelings positive or negative?  If it was positive - how can you achieve that feeling more often?  If your feelings were negative -  what does that tell you?  Do you need to make a change?  Can you make a change?  Write about your answers in your transformation journal,  write a list of the positive and/or negative feelings you had.  Now write a list of things that you can do to change or incorporate into your week to achieve positive feelings and outlooks.  I know it is not easy but analysing and reflecting on certain aspects of our life can help promote change and help us move into a positive and rewarding future. 

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