Monday, 31 August 2015

Monday Workout

Well it's Monday Workout again.

What did you do today?  I just finished Insanity Max 30.  It's an intense 30 minute workout, and I loved it.  Beach Body makes a large assortment of workouts that range from beginner all the way to advanced.  Are you read to start the September challenge tomorrow?  Are you ready to start moving for just half an hour a day?  I'm very excited about starting this journey with you.  By the end of September I hope that we all feel Stronger, look younger, have better flexibility and more Energy.

Moving to stay healthy is not as hard as it seems, Yes you do sweat, Yes you find out that you have muscles that you never realized you had, but the benefits of exercise are so many that it is important that we move.  If you don't use it, you will loose it!  What an appropriate saying. 
If you do not keep your body healthy and active you will not be able to use that body in the future when you need it.  Think about your patients in the hospital or home setting.  Think about the people who don't take care of themselves, they could be morbidly obese, have multiple medical issues, have an addiction and so on.  Think about what you need to do in order to care for that person.  Now think of the person who does take care of themselves but has some form of physical disability perhaps a knee, hip or back injury who becomes ill.  What is the difference that you notice when you care for them?  The care we give to our patients is the same but you will notice that some patients are easier to care for than others.  Some situations call for two nurses while others can call for as many as 6 depending on the situation.   How does this affect your body?  If you are not healthy how do you feel after a shift?  Now think about what the difference will be once you are healthy and stronger.  How will this affect your work? How will it affect you home life? 
Getting healthy and fit helps us as nurses in so many ways.  It improves our memory, strength, flexibility, moods, posture, detoxifies the body, increases stamina and so on.
So get ready to move.  Tomorrow we start our journey to getting healthy together.

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