Thursday, 26 November 2015

Thursday Pampered Treats

Pampered treats that anyone could love......

Chocolate Fondue (serves 4)

8oz milk (1% or skim)
1-2 scoops Chocolate Shakeology (try one scoop first - can be rich with 2 scoops)
2 low fat chocolate pudding cups
3/4tsp orange extract or mint extract

Heat milk in a saucepan.  Do not boil. Whisk in Shakeology.  Stir in chocolate pudding and extract.  Serve in fondue pot over a very low flame with fresh fruit.

Because Christmas is coming I thought I would start giving you some healthy Christmas treats....

Paleo White Christmas
My FAV Christmas treat to share with family & friends - Paleo White Christmas!!
2 cups shredded coconut
Flesh of young Coconut (or 1/4 cup coconut cream)
½ cup Pistachios
½ cup Macadamias
½ cup dried Cranberries
½ cup dried Goji berries (you will find these at a health food store or natural food store)
2 tsp Vanilla extract
2 tbsp. Coconut sugar <-- (Optional if you want 'sugar-free' but I love the extra bit of sweetness as I remember White Christmas FOR its sweetness)
- Take the coconut flesh and the shredded coconut and mix in a food processor until a buttery consistency. This may take a few minutes.
- Remove and place aside.
- Now, take the pistachios and macadamias and lightly crush or pulse in the food processor.
- In a bowl, mix all the ingredients together.
- Smooth the mixture into a tray so you can later cut into squares or in cupcake liners. I’ve use a silicon star mold in the photos.
- Refrigerate for an hour or until they have hardened.
Serve and enjoy!
Store in the fridge as they will melt a bit if left out for too long.

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