Tuesday, 19 January 2016

Tuesday Recipes

Tuesday is here again....

I thought I would give you a very healthy salad today.

This serves two people or you can have left overs the next day (that's what I do because my husband said there is too much stuff touching, LOL)

Protein Salad

1/4 cup homemade mayo. ( you guys should have this recipe from previous Tuesday post)
1 lb of cooked chicken, or 8 hard boiled eggs, or 3 cans of canned meat of choice.
1/4 tsp salt
1/4 tsp pepper
2 tsp lemon juice or apple cider vinegar

veggies and fruit of your choice.
1 tbsp. seeds (pumpkin, sesame, or sunflower)
1/2 tbsp. of chopped nuts (cashews, almonds, pecans ext.)

mix mayo and lemon juice together add salt and pepper, mix in chicken and stir well.

mix up a salad 3 cups veggies - spinach, yellow pepper, celery, tomatoes.  add in  a diced apple, 1tbsp of seeds and 1/2 tbsp. chopped nuts and enjoy.

You can mix and match your veggies to match the season, in summer think of Salmon, tuna, or crab with different fruits, for fall think about hardier fruits like apples and pears with spinach or kale and in the spring think about light fruits such as raspberries and blue berries with romaine.

You can even just cut up a bell pepper into 4 pieces and place the protein mixture on each piece and have a side of fruit for dessert.

The combinations are endless.

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